
Volunteer Opportunity at Baby's Bounty

May 15, 2024 8am

Join us in volunteering at Baby's Bounty Diaper Bank on Wednesday May 15th from 8am-12pm at their new central location (Reno Avenue).

They need at least three more volunteers on that day. The activity involves distributing 50 diapers and a pack of wipes to each family. There are different roles that each volunteer will have that may include: lifting, cutting down boxes, running, packing wipes into bags, and listening to the sizes to grab. It is a drive thru diaper bank, so it is fast paced and we expect between 500-600 families to come. See below (or our website) for an image with expectations, and what to bring. It is an outside diaper bank, so please dress accordingly!

No Young Children:

The age requirements for volunteers at the Diaper Banks are minimum 12 years old with constant parental supervision, or 16 years old without parental supervision.

If anyone is available and would like to volunteer with me anytime, between the hours of 8am-12pm next Wednesday, please ccontact Karen Sauer.
