Shelly Hopper
We know 2020 was...A LOT.
Ready to take a few minutes for YOU? We know you need it!!
Now that all of the holiday hustle and bustle is coming to an end, it's time to get back to you, Mama. We're challenging you to nourish your mind, body, and soul with our annual New Year, Do You challenge ALL month-long + for five special days on IG (1/11-1/15).
- Download the New Year, Do You calendar here.
- Participate in the daily challenges (seriously they take like 1-5 minutes each, so you can 100% carve out at least 5 out of 1440 minutes in a day.
- Take a picture of you doing each daily challenge.
- Upload your picture to IG!
- Use the hashtags #F4Mnewyeardoyou + #strengthinmotherhood and tag @fit4mom_lasvegas so we can cheer you on along the way!
- Repeat x31 days :) If all 31 days seems like too much, join us from the 11th through the 15th for a mini 5-day New Year, Do You challenge (the daily challenges listed on the full January calendar match up to what we’re encouraging you to do that week, so you can use it to follow along).